B Pharm Human Anatomy And Physiology 1 Unit 5 Pdf Notes
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Prepare to dive deep into the pumping engine of life itself – the heart! B Pharm Human Anatomy & Physiology 1- UNIT 5-Pdf Notes takes you on a thrilling journey through the chambers, valves, and vessels that maintain the rhythm of your being. With these free, downloadable PDF notes, you’ll unlock the secrets of the heart’s anatomy and physiology, making you a master of cardiac science.
B Pharm Human Anatomy And Physiology 1 Unit 5 Pdf Notes
Chapter 1
Heart – anatomy of heart, blood circulation, blood vessels, structure and functions of artery, vein and capillaries, elements of conduction system of heart and heart beat, its regulation by autonomic nervous system, cardiac output, cardiac cycle. Regulation of blood pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram and disorders of heart.