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Writer's pictureLast Bench Pharmacist

B Pharm Instrumental Method Of Analysis Unit 2 PDF Notes

B-Pharmers, buckle up for a molecular dance party in B Pharm Instrumental Method Of Analysis Unit 2 PDF Notes! We're diving into the fascinating world of IR spectroscopy, where molecules vibrate to their own unique tunes. Imagine infrared light acting like a tiny DJ, probing these vibrations and revealing the identity of our molecular mystery guests. We'll learn about different vibration modes, how to handle samples like tiny ballerinas, and even explore factors that can influence their moves. But it's not just theory; we'll get hands-on with the instruments, demystifying light sources, wavelength selectors, and detectors that translate these vibrations into readable signals. Feeling the heat? We'll also explore fiery techniques like flame photometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy, where elements get excited and emit their own light signatures. Don't worry, it's not just flames and fireworks; we'll also delve into nepheloturbidometry, where measuring cloudiness helps us analyze things. By the end of this unit, you'll be a spectroscopy pro, interpreting molecular dances and using them to solve analytical puzzles in the world of pharmaceuticals and beyond!

B Pharm Instrumental Method Of Analysis Notes
B Pharm Instrumental Method Of Analysis Notes

B Pharm Instrumental Method Of Analysis Unit 2 PDF Notes

Unit 2

IR spectroscopy

Introduction, fundamental modes of vibrations in poly atomic molecules, sample handling, factors affecting vibrations

Instrumentation - Sources of radiation, wavelength selectors, detectors - Golay cell, Bolometer, Thermocouple, Thermister, Pyroelectric detector and applications

Flame Photometry-Principle, interferences, instrumentation and applications

Atomic absorption spectroscopy- Principle, interferences, instrumentation and applications

Nepheloturbidometry- Principle, instrumentation and applications


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