#bpharmnotes #bpharmPharmaceuticalBiotechnology #bpharmpdfnotes
B-Pharmers, put on your detective hats for B Pharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Unit 4 PDF Notes of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology! We’ll be cracking the code of genetic organization in both simple and complex organisms, like the difference between eukaryotes (think your cells) and prokaryotes (bacteria). Buckle up as we delve into microbial genetics, exploring how microbes can swap genes through transformation, transduction, and conjugation. Plasmids and transposons, the “genetic hitchhikers,” will also be under the microscope. But it’s not just about understanding microbial secrets; we’ll also explore how to harness their power for good in “microbial biotransformation,” where they help produce valuable drugs and chemicals. Finally, we’ll dive into the world of mutations, the tiny changes in DNA that can sometimes have big consequences. This unit might sound complex, but understanding these fundamentals is crucial for unlocking the potential of biotechnology in medicine and beyond!
a) Immuno blotting techniques- ELISA, Western blotting, Southern blotting.
b) Genetic organization of Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
c) Microbial genetics including transformation, transduction, conjugation, plasmids and transposons.
d) Introduction to Microbial biotransformation and applications.
e) Mutation: Types of mutation/mutants.