#pharmdnotes #pharmd2ndyearnotes #pharmdPharmacotherapeutics1
Conquering your Pharm D 2nd year with flying colors? Mastering Pharmacotherapeutics-1 just got a whole lot easier! This blog post is your one-stop shop for comprehensive Pharm D 2nd Year Pharmacotherapeutics-1 PDF notes. We’ll break down key concepts, explore essential drug categories, and provide downloadable resources to streamline your studies. Dive in and unlock a treasure trove of knowledge to excel in your Pharmacotherapeutics exams!
This course is designed to impart knowledge and skills necessary for contribution to quality use of medicines. Chapters dealt cover briefly pathophysiology and mostly therapeutics of various diseases. This will enable the student to understand the pathophysiology of common diseases and their management.
 At completion of this subject it is expected that students will be able to understand –
a. the pathophysiology of selected disease states and the rationale for drug therapy;
b. the therapeutic approach to management of these diseases;
c. the controversies in drug therapy;
d. the importance of preparation of individualised therapeutic plans based on diagnosis;
e. needs to identify the patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects);
f. describe the pathophysiology of selected disease states and explain the rationale for drug therapy;
g. summarise the therapeutic approach to management of these diseases including reference to the latest available evidence;
h. discuss the controversies in drug therapy;
i. discuss the preparation of individualised therapeutic plans based on diagnosis; and
j. identify the patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects).
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system and Endocrine system
General prescribing guidelines
Introduction to rational drug use