#pharmdnotes #pharmd3rdyearnotes #pharmdPharmacology2
As you embark on your 3rd year of Pharm D studies, Pharmacology-2 presents an exciting opportunity to delve into a diverse range of therapeutic areas. This Pharm D 3rd Year Pharmacology-2 PDF Notes subject delves deeper into the mechanisms of action, therapeutic uses, and potential adverse effects of medications across various drug classifications. From understanding the intricacies of blood and blood-forming agents to navigating the complexities of chemotherapy and the fascinating realm of immunopharmacology, Pharmacology-2 equips you with the knowledge and understanding necessary to excel in your pharmacy career. This comprehensive guide, available in PDF format, serves as your roadmap to mastering this crucial subject, providing concise yet thorough explanations, helpful diagrams, and practical insights to solidify your grasp on the intricacies of Pharmacology-2.
This subject will provide an opportunity for the student to learn about the drug with regard to classification, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic aspects, adverse effects, uses, dose, route of administration, precautions, contraindications and interaction with other drugs. In this subject, drugs acting on autacoids, respiratory system, GIT, immune system and hormones, and pharmacology of autocoids and hormones will be concentrated. In addition, pharmacology of chemotherapeutic agents, vitamines, essential minerals and principles of toxicology are also taught. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the basic practical knowledge relevant to therapeutics will be imparted.
Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to:
a. understand the pharmacological aspects of drugs falling under the above mentioned chapters,
b. carry out the animal experiments confidently,
c. appreciate the importance of pharmacology subject as a basis of therapeutics, and
d. correlate and apply the knowledge therapeutically
Pharmacology of Drugs acting on Blood and blood forming agents
Pharmacology of drugs acting on Renal System
Principles of Animal toxicology
The dynamic cell: The structures and functions of the components of the cell